Hey peeps. Long story short, I had a scare yesterday and realized I need to have my projects backed up in multiple locations. My main question here is, “What folders and files are necessary for the project?” (or rather, what can I leave alone because Unity can rebuild it?) I live in an area with limited internet (slow speeds, metered traffic) and if I just copy the whole project, and this is not an exaggeration, the process would take a week… Even using an ethernet cable directly plugged into another computer, some folders transfer relatively fast, but some folders go at <100k/sec… It’s maddening… I know \Library\Artifacts\ can be excluded from backup because unity rebuilds all that as necessary, but are there any other “non-essential” folders I can exclude to try and reduce the over-all time needed (and bytes copied) to make backups? I use a file syncing program to selectively either “mirror” or “update”. any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
this is list of folders and files that can be ignored,
if you want to copy files faster, especially those “millions of” small files,
better make 7zip package first!
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