BAD Forum Search Result: Unity is the ultimate game development platform...

anything is wrong with the search result of the unity forum. enter: select gameobject in hierarchy by script
and the most results are: Unity is the ultimate game development platform…
Nothing is related to the search term.

Further, in the past, clicking the search result link targets a new site, that was nice because its possible to open several sites automatically. Now you lost for what you have searched.

  • What happen to the search function?
  • Why the results are completely des-informative?

We’ve recently updated the search system. We’re actively monitoring and reiterating it.
Thanks for reporting this! I’ll take a look and fix it

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The result today was different but bad anyway.

You should compare the result with google and optimize them based on the search term and results. Further “search for code examples” would be great addition.

Google Search : “unity3d LabelField backcolor”
Unity - Scripting API: GUI.backgroundColor…
LabelField wont change background color - Unity Answers…
Changing the Background Color for BeginHorizontal | Unity …
Unity - Scripting API: EditorGUILayout.LabelField

Unity Search: “LabelField backcolor”
[Finally, a serializable dictionary for Unity! (extracted from Syste]( Finally, a serializable dictionary for Unity! (extracted from System.Collections.Generic) page-2)…
Unity - Scripting API: EditorGUILayout.LabelField
** How would I fake lighting? **
** Shader works on editor but not on OSX build **

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I get the same thing! Ever since they redid the website the search feature is junk for researching anything… Even searching for documentation is worse now! Nothing is relevant ever. I’ve resorted to using other sites for Unity searches because of how off-topic the results are (which is ironic with how much they pressure staying on-topic in the threads and Answers forums :roll_eyes:) Can we just go back to the old website??? Please??? :frowning:

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Seems it’s a financial economic decision to give the users bad search results. The “unity local search” bandwidth seems cost too much money if 1 Mio user hits per day. So the idea is, return bad results, so ppl should use google directly.

“Unity Answers” doesn’t search for fixed code snippets now, the most results are from about 2009.
This have several reasons. Back in the days of unity 3.0 the uses ask for commands and what they do, and in the past years ppl doesn’t ask directly because they found code solutions and extents the thread with own code snippets, but they are not possible to find any longer.

A simple proof. Search for: o.Emission = 100;
Search terms are now split into multiple single terms for any reason. Search for “o.Emission = 100;” cause the search engine split into a fail of “o.” “Emission” “=” “100”; The result are now > 4000 complete Community fails.

Another simple proof. Search for: a literal cause the light-map to emit again

The correct result should be in the first place: