Bad shadow quality

I found a some thread complain about shadow quality in WebGL but still haven’t fixed yet

Could I know when Unity will fix it?

@jonas-echterhoff_1 any news about webgl shadow quality? :slight_smile:

This is related to WebGL using the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend - which has some hard-coded performance decisions which make sense for mobiles, but not so much for more performant desktop GPUs. WebGL 2.0 will fix this because it uses the GLES 3.0 rendering backend, but ultimately, we should change our shader code not to hard-code such decisions based on rendering APIs. This is something we want to do, but I have no idea when we will find time to do so.

@jonas-echterhoff_1 understood, thanks a lot for the quick answer/update!:slight_smile:

Im not sure how those settings affect the performance or loading times but I was able to eliminate jagged shadows. Don’t ask me what setting solved this, I just played with random settings and this setup seems to work in every project.

Check out the attachment.

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