Updated: I was wrong about the tag so I took that stuff out.
I’m still pretty new to Unity and I’m working on a brick breaking type game. I have a ball prefab and a player object which is supposed to launch it. I assign the ball prefab to a serialized field in the Player script and instantiate it in the simplest possible way:
GameObject ball = Instantiate(currentBallPrefab) as GameObject;
However, a ball instantiated this way behaves completely differently than a ball placed in the scene using the prefab. Vector3.Reflect seems to work completely incorrectly. In the video below there are two balls, one that is placed in the scene and the other is instantiated by the player object. One bounces normally while the other passes through the block after being redirected slightly then doesn’t collide with anything anymore:
I dragged the same prefab object into the scene as I assigned to the script. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. There are no errors in my log. Not sure what else to show so please let me know how else I can help you help me!