Bake error: "create ProbeSet " failed with error code: 3

I was stucked by this error when i baked a big scene, the process stoped at 8/11 Create ProbeSet | 2 jobs,
and the bake process never went forward any more,Did you meet this problem before?
I am using unity 5.3.3f1

I am getting this same issue in 2017.3.0f3 except my PC will freeze and has to be hard booted. Did you ever figure out what was wrong?

I got a similar freeze, and removing the GI Cache fixed the issue

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I cleared the cache as well but it happened again. I read somewhere else that it may have to do with statics so I removed a handful of those as well and still no go. still freezing. :frowning:

Turns out I needed to lower my Indirect Resolution down from the default of 2. I set it to .2 based on some research is did. I also set my Lightmap Resolution to 20 which is down from 40 default. This seems to have worked as the bake process finished.

Hi, I just had the same problem while baking my scene, the problem was resolved by unchecking the “Real Time Global Illumination” checkbox. Probably got a ton of resource consumption by mistake. Hope it works to you too.