Bake lightmap and APV issues

I have a scene with outside and inside objects. my outside is light by apv ( all is static for probes) the inside is light by baking lightmaps. it seems after bake everything is fine but once you hit play some of the objects go wack like loose there bake information. its both light probe and lightmap objects do this. in pic you can see the wall loses its information while the houses are good to go.

I can’t reproduce on a new scene in a small project. I suggest you file a bug report with your project attached, the issue is likely specific to the project or scene.

i had the asset bakery imported in project. i originally intended to use it. so some lights had the bakery component on them but i deactivated it. i then went and removed the bakery asset from the package manager. and did a test. the maps seem to work on the objects that were broken, but seem to break my fps controller. hmmmm, so it looks like it might of been a conflict with the bakery asset

IIRC Bakery completely replaces the lightmap loading system in Unity, so if you are having issues with that, you’ll have to contact the developer instead.

I’ve removed it completely with package manager and that seemed to fix the issue