Baked Lighting makes horrible result

I have a scene that is made for a mobile game. Therefor I am required to use Baked Lighting. For some reasion, after working on it for a while, the baking changed from correctly placed shadows so random black spots everywhere on my scene.
Here’s an example:

Before Building:

After Building:

Lighting Settings:

I have seriously no idea what is causing this. I am new to lighting in unity and I was hoping somebody would know the answer. So far all I’ve found on the internet is people reporting this as a bug.

A few things to note:

  • All lighting is baked in the scene.
  • There are 2 lights, but i’ve tested this with only 1 light and the results are the same
  • This does not happen with realtime lighting
  • I’ve tried messing around with the settings inside “Baked GI”, since that seems to be causing it, but it yields no new results.

The example’s in case the images don’t load:

Try these :

  1. Increase " Indirect Intensity " value ;
  2. Enable " Final Gather " ;
    Good luck

Thank you all for your responses, this was however resolved a while ago, I forgot to close the topic.

Basically what my problem was is that I had certain surfaces that were transparent on one side (the walls and the floor and curtains), this caused some terrible strange results because the light was trying to go through it.
However as Trufoan mentioned, increasing the direct intensity and enabling Final Gather also helps a lot to get rid of any remaining ‘stains’

It looks like their is something wrong with the UVW, did you click generate lightmap uvs on the objects import settings?

Regardless I do not reccommend using Enlighten at all in its current state, many people are reporting breaking issues with it. If you are going for Mobile use the Beast Lightmapper which is in Unity4. In general mobile games are for Unity4 while higher end PC stuff is Unity5. Unity5 also gives the standard shader which is not mobile friendly. Enable Ambient Occlusion in beast, it only bakes directional shadows unless you have pro.

This can also happen if you have symmetrical UV’s on your objects. As one side will have darkness baked onto it and the other will have light, so the two will overlap creating a broken light-map.