So I have worked with Unity a pretty decent amount before, but have only gotten into baking lighting this summer for a research project. The project consists of an interior model of the Moss Art Center at Virginia Tech. When I bake the lighting, a large part of the project works great, the lighting is nice and clean. But other parts, mainly certain rooms, have a large amount of pixelation. This also happens on some of the props, so I figured it has to do with the lightmaps. Originally I imported the whole building model in as a single import, so I figured that Unity just wasn’t able to separate the lightmaps enough, so I imported the rooms separately. This worked for one section of the building, the pixelation no longer occurred, but even after trying it with another room, the problem still occurred. The base material UVs are clean, so I also tried making a basic lightmap inside of Maya and reimported the problem room, tried the “Preserve UVs” option, and changed the “size in lightmap” option, but nothing is helping. Does anyone know how this could be fixed? I don’t have separate lightmap channels for every prop due to not having that knowledge when I first worked on this project last summer. So could Unity’s attempt to make those be messing with it? Or is it an option I am missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated! If any additional information is needed, please let me know. Thanks!
Do you have generate lightmap UVs turn on in the mesh import settings? (if not, try it)
Well that seemed to work…I could have sworn I turned that on haha, well that’s awkward. Thanks for the help!