Baked lighting problem

So this is what i get by using baked lightning. How do I make it, umm, look normal?

your map object needs its “generate lightmap uvs” turned on likely. find the map object in the project window and you’ll see the “generate lightmaps uvs” option in the inspector window

One of the most underutilized tools in Unity and, if done correctly, can push the limits of photorealism in gaming. Keep in mind that Unity desperately needs to revamp any and all visual-based sections like lighting and avatars. Desparate developers ought to be presented with a picture-based grid of visual scenarios (categorized) so that no one has to know the exact way to formulate their question, but can instead make intuitive category selections, find a lighting glitch or clothing glitch that looks similar to their problem and then dive into the answer - which would actually be a group of many many answers, which cover various scenarios. The main problem is that the forum is inundated with 1000 exactly similar questions because otherwise the questioner would have to 1. word their question wisely in order to know if their question has already been asked. 2. know enough about the answer to their own question to know if the question they are wanting to ask is going to be said correctly. 3. search an eye-bleeding amount of text-based questions/answers to sift around to find their answer when a visual-based search would take them all of 10 seconds to be right inside the info they are needing. Unity needs to hire some fellas that can organize the wealth of knowledge that’s already found in the forums and discover some of the most often asked questions. First-time users need to be funneled through the simple-based questions/topics before they can then (if their case is truly unique) dive into the traditional way of asking questions to the ether.