Baked Lighting Toggle When Camera Moves

So I’m having an issue that I’ve seen in a few other places, but haven’t found a solution to, so I’m making my own post with some detailed info.
I’m using 2019.1.12 and the progressive lightmapper with LWRP.
Once baked, lighting in certain parts of the scene turn on and off depending on where the camera is – this is in scene view and play mode (VR).

I’ve messed with various settings (changing lights render mode to important, messing with reflection probe positions, etc) and nothing seems to work.
I may be missing something, so any help would be appreciated!

Here’s an example:


Looks like culling or camera position is affecting this so it is unlikely to be the Lightmaps themselves. Does it happen if you disable the reflection probes?

Use can use this to inspect the baked lighting in isolation Unity - Manual: Scene View Draw Modes for lighting

If I just disable the Reflection probe gameObjects, there aren’t baked reflections, but the issue still happens.
If I disable the reflection probes and rebake, same thing.

When I view the baked lighting by itself, there isn’t any flickering.
I’ve rebaked and rebaked the occlusion culling and nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?

If the baked lighting is fine, I think it must be a shader or or URP issue, moving your thread to that forum.