Baked Lightmaps ignoring Culling Mask Solutions?

In my game I have indoor and outdoor areas all in one scene. I have separate Directional Lights for both indoor lighting and outdoor lighting. I currently am using Culling Masks so the outdoor Directional Lights don’t effect the indoor gameobjects and vice versa. This works great with real time lights.

However, once I bake the Lightmaps I get some of the outdoor Directional Lighting on my indoor gameobjects. So the baked directional lights are ignoring the Culling Masks.

I have read a few other posts about people having this issue and from what I have read there is yet a solution.

I am also using Light Probes for my dynamic game objects. Now in trying to figure out a solution to keeping my baked lighting correct I have been considering loading different lightmaps during gameplay when the player is indoors or outdoors. I have only read a little about loading lightmaps dynamicaly.

It is a big hassle to bake my Lightmaps in sections as Unity doesn’t have a mainstream way of doing this other than disableing gameobjects or not marking them static so I would really love to be able to bake my lights for all the objects in my scene all at the same time if my lights respected the culling masks. If anyone has a solution to do this please let me know.

In the meantime I am looking into a Lightmap Switching Tool I came across that loads different Lightmaps and I believe Light Probes as well. Here is the link for anyone else interested:

The above tool may be what I need to use, however, I would rather do all my Lightmapping in one swoop so any help is appreciated.


as far as i know, unity doesn’t support light culling in baked lightmapping. you can see the progress of that feature over here