Baked lights are badly generated

Hello, i’m a beginner at 3D unity so i don’t know much about lighting, but in the past days i was trying to bake the lights in my scene. The problem is, after the baking is complete, the lights and the shadows in some areas are just not generated in the right way, like having some objects too dark or too light or having shadows in wrong places. The problem maybe is UV overlapping cause, when baking completes, a warning appears that says “there are * objects in the scene with overlapping uv’s”. I tried to fix this by checking “generate lightmap UVs” on the models import settings, but some object that i use doesnt have models for some reason, they have materials, meshes, textures and prefabs, but no models folder, so i dont know how to fix uv overlapping for these.

my lighting settings

others images as examples:

EDIT: i resolved by using only realtime lighting, setting the rendering mode to deferred (on project settings → Graphics → Tier Settings) and actually optimizing my game. This isnt really a fix tho, its just a workaround

Are the trees static?
Otherwise they receive skybox reflextions, which seems to be black

Seems to be like Light baking problem

the trees were not static, tried to set the prefab of the trees to static but that didnt solve the problem. if skybox reflections color is black, how can i modify it? Thanks

Generating Lighting in the Lighting Window should do it. Maybe check your Environment settings tab that the settings look as expected