Baked lights of different colors not blending well when using "directional specular"

In my scene I have a white overhead light, and a red light underneath the scene. I’ve found, when baking these lights, I get a bizarre “outline” where the two meet. This is ideally what it should look like, using realtime lights:

But, once I bake them, they end up looking like this:

This only seems to be a problem when my directional mode in my general GI settings is set to “directional specular”, but I also lose my reflections when I just set it to “directional”, which are pretty vital to the look I want. Is there a fix for this, or am I just going about this the wrong way and using the engine in a way I shouldn’t be?

I have exactly same issues
but seems nobody cares )))

Enabling Final Gather does smooth things out a bit

Could I get a bug report with affected scene attached?

@Almakos Could you please do the same? I’d want to make sure that both scenarios get fixed

I’ve submitted a bug report; is there anything else I should do to follow up on it?

Please post case number here

Okay, the case number is 691310

(Case 691443) Directional Specular map has artifacts