Baked PBR on mobile?

Someone mentioned in a post somewhere that I can use the Standard Shader on mobile, and then bake the scene, and since all the lighting is baked, I’ll have good performance.

I’ve done a test with a fairly simple scene, but when I run it on a a mid level Android tablet, I’m still only getting 22 FPS.

Is there anything specific I should be doing when baking PBR for mobile?

I can get good performance with the legacy shaders, PBR not so much.


Standard shader Is not really optimized for mobile yet. but i’m sure you can get decent FPS, maybe high Set-pass calls in your scene?

If you are using directional specular mode, you are still evaluating the BRDF twice, once for direct and another time for indirect lighting. Non-directional mode is the cheapest. Have a look here for more details on performance Unity - Manual: Directional Mode

I can get good results with Directional Specular on Android with the mobile/legacy shader, not for the default shader.