Baked Reflection Cubemaps now corrupt - 2020.1.0a21

Generating new baked Reflection Probe cubemaps on this engine version now corrupts them - 2020.1.0a21, using Android build and ASTC texture compression and LZ4 compression method.

I get this error when baking the reflection probes
D3D11 unsupported ReadPixels destination texture format (6)

Any chance you could share a repro with us in a bug report?

Here you go, hopefully it gets fixed soon as some of my levels have corrupted reflections as a result!

(Case 1220921) Baked Reflection Probe in 2020.1.0a23 has D3D11 unsupported ReadPixels destination texture format

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I can get them to bake perfectly if I untick ‘HDR’ on the Reflection Probe settings

@LeonhardP this issue is still happening in 2020.1.0b1

This issue should be fixed as of b6.