Hello everyone,
after doing some testing and some rather time consuming baking in blender I wanted to ask a question that has been in my mind for some time now.
Lets say you have like 20 different kind of building objects that all use the same kind of base textures (wood, leather, stone, clay, etc.). Now lets compare the situation where each building has its own baked textures and material (same shader though) vs each building using say 4 of those base building materials to render. Memory wise the approach with the few base materials would be better since only 4 textures for each diffuse, normal, etc. would be used vs 20. Performance wise the draw calls are of course lower with the baked approach.
From my current understanding, and also the small test with a few thousand objects i did, it seems that no matter if using SRP Batcher or not, using one material per object is ideal performance wise. Is there any way to get a better, or at least comparable performance for the approach with the few base materials?
Thanks everyone and see you around.