Baked vs Realtime very different results

Could someone explain why the baked (darker areas) looks so different from the dynamic (lighter) areas in the picture? It’s the same material. The game generally looks a lot worse after disabling realtime and baking.

Are you using fully baked lights? Try switching to Mixed lights and see if the issue reproduces.

I have 1 directional mixed light in the scene. no other lights.

How is your settings for the skybox and environment? Please post a screenshot :slight_smile:

Here :slight_smile:

You know what, never mind why baked and realtime have different results, why does baked cubes with the EXACT same settings and materials have this different results after a bake? Literally the exact same apart from scale and rotation (Image below).

They are all scale in lightmap = 1, same material, same lightmap parameters…

Something’s fishy going on. Are you able to reproduce the same issue in a small test scene? If so, it would be helpful if you could attach that scene so that we could investigate.

Im using 2018.2.2 so not sure its useful for u guys?
Upgrading is not an option since nested prefabs breaks my entire project for some reason,

2018.2.2 is a relatively old version. If possible, try upgrading to 2018.2.21f1 and see if the issue still reproduces.
Also, please try and verify that none of your meshes have inverted/negative scale transforms as that can cause issues. In addition, try baking the lighting without a skybox, and using a solid color only. If the issue no longer reproduces, there’s probably an issue with your skybox setup.
One last thing that’s worth trying is baking using higher indirect sample counts.