Baker2D : advanced baking 3d scenes and animations into 2D [RELEASED]

I’m glad that I can announce new advanced tool for baking 3d into 2D: Baker2D
Baker2D is powerful plugin for Unity, which allows to bake 3D objects into 2D. This tool supports baking animations with using animation controllers. Baking process is very easy and very quick. You can use every material, camera and light configuration as you want. Baker2D is best solution when you want to create 2D game based on 3D characters with baked animations. Tool requires Unity Pro version.

-quick and easy baking 3D scenes into 2D
-baking animations
-baking frames of animations into separable textures or into single atlas/sprite sheet
-supports multiple animators
-supports animation script control

Where you can find it? Here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

Usage example:

Update 1.1 released!
What’s new:
-better frames naming
-Animation2DController which makes playing 2D animations easier