I checked it out, and it appears that the spline mesh gets rebuild the moment you select it, wiping the UV2 again.
This is trigged by the Spline having been moved, is this something that Bakery does during baking.
I’ve fixed this by using a different approach to checking for changes to the Spline’s position/rotation/scale. I’ll update the Spline Mesher asset soon, for proper Bakery support
Found an issue with my original shader tangent space - fixed it (in the repo).
Tried implementing a MonoSH-compatible normal-only shader. No luck - I hoped URP GBuffer contains separate irradiance, but they actually store (bakedDiffuse*albedo + bakedSpecular + reflections + emissive), all in one GBuffer texture. Because it’s premultiplied with albedo, I can’t modify lighting without also changing the albedo
So this kind of deferred doesn’t help here. The only other option is the hard way - have a complete copy of the shader on the decal, but with different normals.
Maybe I can add an option to copy UV0 from the receiver to UV2 of the decal, and use decal UV0 for normals? Or something like that…
I’ve been thinking about the MonoSH Only Normal Shader, and it feels a bit too revolutionary. From what I know, nobody has done something like this, so maybe I’m asking for too much. I worked on the scene, and it already looks great as it is.
If it seems really difficult, please don’t waste your time—it’s too precious.
On the other hand, copying UVs and using normals from the receiver’s material seems like a good solution. If GPU performance allows it, I can add this functionality to the shader and handle the UV copies in Blender. So thank you for the solution, maybe let’s not dig into it too much.
Hey Frank! I’m doing some experiments with mixed lighting, shadowmasks.
I have my one mixed light set to indirect and shadowmask, all my baked lights set to direct and indirect. I have the unity light component on the mixed light set to mixed, with shadows on.
However, static objects within the range of the mixed light still cast realtime shadows. I was under the impression that this wouldn’t be the case. Am I doing something wrong?
@guycalledfrank Hi, I found that Volume Lightmapping doesn’t support Light Layers in BakeryDecodeLightmap.hlsl (URP). I checked Unity’s Lighting.hlsl and found how they are doing it. I added it to your script. It works fine now :).
Please, take a look and add it to the github for others if possible. Maybe some ifdef is missing for Light Layers, but I couldn’t figure out which one.