Hi, I would like to know one thing. I may choose texture compression, so I choose quality to 100% That’s taking a lot time, especially with many textures and switching first time platform. But later It’s quite quick. My question is: If I put this on asset store, client will have those data baked and will wait between switching platform as me on secong time (2-3 minutes) or as at first, which takes almost 4 hours? I’ve got i7 4790k and I may put it all on night to make it easier for other users, and I would like to avoid responding from other users like: “your asset freezes unity on import”.
Texture compression happens on the user’s end, unfortunately. It’s also frustratingly single-threaded and there’s nothing you can do to speed things up.
The only way to skip the import step right now is to build the textures into an assetbundle and load that instead. If this is for the asset store, your users would probably prefer the flexibility of the original files, even if it does take a long time to import.