You aren’t working on a UV map, you are working on the texture which expects pixel coordinates, not UVs (which are always [0,1]). Additionally you aren’t interpolating the UVs to really draw the pixels you are only filling single distinct points as a mesh does not have as many vertices as the texture pixels - you could map a 4096x4096 texture on a quad with 4 vertices each in a corner and it would look perfect. yet if you would draw the UVs the way you do, you would get a color only in exactly the 4 corner points (if you calculated the pixel coordinate correctly. if you would keep it as it is you would get 4 pixels in top left due to the 0 and 1 only values on the 4 vertices)
Question is what you really try to achieve.
Do you simply want to apply height*width pixels? if so simply use SetPixels or even better SetPixels32 as its faster.
if you want to store something different best clarif what you want to calculate / bake in detail.
What you don’t need to store down is the UV coordinate of the texture into the pixel cause thats a thing you can simply read out in the pixel shader again (its data you have for every single pixel at runtime on the gpu out of the box already)