I have just recently signed up for the unity forums and would like to share with you a game I have been working on in unity. It is called “Ball Jumper”.
So what is ball jumper?
Ball jumper is a little game I have started to work on in an game engine called unity. I have been working with the engine and leaning new things along the way. This game uses the very little of what unity have to offer. It uses the mechanics of movement and level loading and a bit of GUI work in my game. I am planning to make the game better along the way and make it enjoyable for others to play. Hope you have fun playing!
New to Unity Forums?
Always glad to help out. Lets see
-Ball takes way too long to slow down and turn back
-Ball is much slower in air (prefer airbourne directions)
-Death sound should be lowered
-For a relatively long course, add checkpoints and spice the music up, don’t keep it looping in 4 bars, either add another layer of randomised wind sound or add different tones to the music because it can be quite annoying being repeated over and over again
-Jumping seems a bit delayed at points
-The platforms in level 2 were untextured which appears slightly sloppy
-Fog would be great if you utilised it
-The points are erased throughout each level and not shown at the end
-Get the lighting on the platforms to match the skybox background otherwise it looks out of place and juxtaposy.
-The main menu colour tone and finish game colour tone is a nice white and blue theme but it isn’t consistant throughout the game, I’m not saying I suggest you change it (which will change the whole game), just keep in mind keeping a theme consistency in your next project.
-Make your own GUI at the end, even though it’s in development stages, it would be nice if you have some more stylish buttons than default
-Exiting to menu on the 2nd level and loading it up again takes you back to level 1. Keep a player pref going so that it doesn’t reset the progress, only reset the progress once finished the game.
Overall it could do with a lot of improvements but keep it up.
I’m going to keep tabs on the progress of this game, if you need me to help more feel free to PM me.
Great job.
Nice small game.
Lemo76 already says many things. But particularly the jump “delay” is important to fix. Besides the ball rotates a little too much or the ball moves to less…