Unity Guru’s,
Is there an easy way in unity to have a object(Ball) follow a trajectory? for example have the Ball Start at x,y,z and end at x,y,z with the curve calculated so not to travel in a straight line.
A function like this would be ideal… thoughts?
Thanks in Advance
Yes, this is all about a parabolic trajectory and unfortunately simply providing an object and start/end points won’t be sufficient as there are an infinite number of paths that could connect those two. At one extreme is straight line motion, and the other extreme the ball is shot almost straight up, in the middle is a 45 degree launch angle. Therefore you’ll either need to specify a launch angle or an initial velocity, and from that compute the path of motion necessary to hit the target.
I don’t have a handy link at the ready but you should be able to find some information on the web about parabolic motion and path calculation.