Im based in South Africa and have been testing banner ads across 2 of my apps. I have taken test modes off in prep to publish these apps to the Play Store. On the one app, I reliably get ads at a certain time of day (I do think that campaigs are limited because sometimes I dont get ads). On the other app, I have yet to see a banner ad appear. I can run these apps at the same time on the same phone, and the one that gets ads will get an ad, and the other one will not.
To tackle this I created a text box to find out if the ads were being initialised or not for the app that never appears to get them. Below is the code (which was largely lifted directly off the Unity guide), with my little text checker, which works, and which is telling me that the ad is getting initialised, but nothing is showing:
public class bannerad : MonoBehaviour
public string gameId = "myactualgameidremoved";
public string placementId = "BannerAd";
[SerializeField] Text AdStatusReporter;
void Start()
IEnumerator ShowBannerWhenInitialized()
while (!Advertisement.isInitialized)
AdStatusReporter.text = ("Ad NOT Initialised!");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
AdStatusReporter.text = ("Ad HAS Initialised!");
What the heck could be going on here? For the app that doesnt appear to be showing the banner ads I have:
- Set ads to not show 17+ ads given that I think my audience for this app may be younger than that
- Included Interstitial video ads later on in the app (which work just fine!)
- Hidden/Destroyed the banner ad after the first 2 scenes/screens because I dont want it all over the place
- Both apps are using Ads 3.4.2
- the app which reliably works is a simple single scene calculator with no age restrictions, or other forms of advertising included. The ads show are not what I would call adult ads either.
Totally stumped here, and this is literally the last thing i need to figure out.