Banner Ads failing to load with LevelPlay (Error Code 509 No Mediation Fill)

When I build my game into an .apk file and run it, no banner ads appear whatsoever. I did some debugging and found that the banner ads are not appearing due to this error (Error Code 509 No Mediation Fill); Here is the entire error as it appeared on Android logcat

2024/12/21 19:59:40.444 20814 20839 Error Unity LevelPlayAds:ErrorMessage(LevelPlayAdError)
2024/12/21 19:59:40.444 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
2024/12/21 19:59:40.444 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
2024/12/21 19:59:40.444 20814 20839 Error Unity 
2024/12/21 19:59:40.446 20814 20839 Error Unity Error Code: 509
2024/12/21 19:59:40.446 20814 20839 Error Unity LevelPlayAds:ErrorMessage(LevelPlayAdError)
2024/12/21 19:59:40.446 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
2024/12/21 19:59:40.446 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
2024/12/21 19:59:40.446 20814 20839 Error Unity 
2024/12/21 19:59:40.447 20814 20839 Error Unity Error Message: Mediation No fill
2024/12/21 19:59:40.447 20814 20839 Error Unity LevelPlayAds:ErrorMessage(LevelPlayAdError)
2024/12/21 19:59:40.447 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
2024/12/21 19:59:40.447 20814 20839 Error Unity UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()

And here is the code I wrote for initializing the sdk, loading the ads and then showing them.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using com.unity3d.mediation;

public class LevelPlayAds : MonoBehaviour
    private LevelPlayBannerAd bannerAd;

    private void Awake()

    void Initialize()
        LevelPlayAdFormat[] legacyAdFormats = new[] { LevelPlayAdFormat.REWARDED, LevelPlayAdFormat.BANNER };
        LevelPlay.OnInitSuccess += SdkInitializationCompletedEvent;
        LevelPlay.OnInitFailed += SdkInitializationFailedEvent;
        LevelPlay.Init("ID", "UserId", legacyAdFormats);

    private void SdkInitializationCompletedEvent(LevelPlayConfiguration config)
        Debug.Log("Initialization Complete!");
        bannerAd = new LevelPlayBannerAd("ID");
        LevelPlayAdSize adSize = LevelPlayAdSize.BANNER;

    private void SdkInitializationFailedEvent(LevelPlayInitError config)
        Debug.Log("Initialization Failed :(");
        LevelPlay.OnInitSuccess -= SdkInitializationCompletedEvent;
        LevelPlay.OnInitFailed -= SdkInitializationFailedEvent;

    void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused)

    void LoadBannerAd()
        Debug.Log("Loading Ad...");
        bannerAd.OnAdLoadFailed += ErrorMessage;
        bannerAd.OnAdLoaded += ShowBanner;

    void ShowBanner(LevelPlayAdInfo config)
        Debug.Log("The has been loaded and should be displayed!");

    void ErrorMessage(LevelPlayAdError config)
        Debug.LogError("Ad failed to load D:");
        Debug.LogError("Error Code: " + config.ErrorCode);
        Debug.LogError("Error Message: " + config.ErrorMessage);

I looked around for solutions but so far I found nothing; I set everything up for my project in IronSource and Unity Ads, so I truly don’t know what is going wrong here. Any help or guidance would be heavily appreciated. Thank You.

I’m seeing the same error. Were you able to resolve it?

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Sadly not :frowning: I ended up just switching to admob…

Hi, sorry you could not solve it. I received the same error in one project but did not receive it in another one with the same setting being able to show the banner…??

I want to ask about your experience with AdMob: Is it working properly? is it easy to implement or a mess like Levelplay?

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Thankfully It’s way easier to implement and I got banner ads working on it.

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