Basic AI Follow Player 2D C#

Basically I want the AI to follow the player from behind at all times. I plan on using transform.rotation but I ran into some problems so I am just using an int for now. Below is what I have so far…

public Transform playerPos;
public float speed;
Vector2 pos;
Vector2 targetPos;
int rot;

void Start () {
    pos = transform.position;

void Update () {
    rot = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().rot; //Player rotation

    //Make AI always move to back of player
    if (rot == 0)
        targetPos = new Vector2(playerPos.position.x - 1, playerPos.position.y);
    else if (rot == 90)
        targetPos = new Vector2(playerPos.position.x, playerPos.position.y - 1);
    else if (rot == 180)
        targetPos = new Vector2(playerPos.position.x + 1, playerPos.position.y);
    else if (rot == 270)
        targetPos = new Vector2(playerPos.position.x, playerPos.position.y + 1);

    //Move AI to target position
    if (new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, 0) == transform.position)
        if (pos.x != targetPos.x)
            if (pos.x > targetPos.x)
                pos.x -= 1;
                pos.x += 1;
        else if (pos.y != targetPos.y)
            if (pos.y > targetPos.y)
                pos.y -= 1;
                pos.y += 1;
    transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, pos, speed * Time.deltaTime);


You can make the object follow the player and stop if the distance between them is less than a certain amount.

void Update() {
    if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, playerPosition) > minDistance) {
        transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, playerPosition, 
                                                 speed * Time.deltaTime);

Also you should cache the player gameobject in the start method. Looking for it on every frame is very expensive.