Basic Animation blending

Hey, I’m just getting started with Unity, and have a slight difficulty with the animation blending.

I have an idle and walk cycle imported from maya.
Both work perfectly indepently–
however when I use the simple blend script to transition between the two, my character simply freezes mid-walk, and the idle animation is almost additive, rather than returning to his relaxed-idle pose.

My best guess is that I just need to add more keyframes in maya (as in I didnt use more then one key for parts of the idle pose–and that unity needs animation to overwrite the position) Any ideas?

Brian K

Turns out that fixed it,

So, anyone having trouble with blends, make sure to key the joints a couple times, even if they are static in the new pose

Hey Brian
you just answered a question running round in my head-Thanks!

Hey thanks,

I’ve been trolling the forums for 2 months or so, and you solved a lot of my questions already.

Glad I could contribute! :slight_smile: