Basic Information Needed


it seems there is some basic information that i cannot find in the manual and i don’t have time to sift through 1577 matches to my forum search.

i am using Maya 2008 to build assets. when i import a character into unity, the scale of the entire character is off, and some of the joints are scaled improperly (there are all scaled at 1,1,1 in the maya scene. i checked).

parented objects are not in the right place or are rotated off their axes. (freeze transform applied in Maya).

the animations import and sort of fix the joint scaling issues but it is far from ideal, and some of the animation seems to be offset from the source file.

the following basic information would be useful to add to the user manual:

the proper scale to build assets:

i want to match the expected scales of game components, such as character controllers as seamlessly as possible. my character is scaled to 6 ft in maya but the character controller set to height of 6 is tiny in comparison.

what units should i be using in Maya:

cm? in? ft? m? does it matter?

guidelines for rigs:

are offset nodes within the rig going to cause problems? (they allow me to match a basic rig to a character very quickly while maintaining default values for animation controls)


i am building characters in one maya scene and animating a reference of it in another. it seems to import into unity ok, but are there issues i haven’t hit yet?

Please advise.


Through trial and error i have resolved one of the issues mentioned above.

scale: scale objects to real-life size in maya, i.e. characters = 6 ft tall. then set maya units to meters before importing into Unity. now adding a third-person controller w/ height of 6 will match.

ok, still in trial mode. the solution i thought i had doesn’t actually work.

use 1cm = 1ft.