Basic javascript array declaration

I’m a beginner and i’m confused on how to use array in javascript.
The program is very simple. Just use mouse left click and it will add up an integer value the handphone.clock variable.

Here’s my code:

#pragma strict
var handphone : sony[];
var n = -1;

function Start () {
 handphone = new sony[1000];

function Update () {
		handphone[n].clock = (n+1);

class sony{
	var clock = 10;

Currently i have to write the array capacity at the “start function”,if it’s empty, it will return a syntax error. Is there anyway declaring it without stating the maximum index? (keep on adding index everytime i click).

Also, what is the difference between “n++” and “(n+1)”. When i change the “(n+1)” into “n++” in the “handphone[n].clock = (n+1)”, it will only run once ( left click once, returning a value of 10 and the next click wont return anything).

Array - Unity Scripting API pls have a look…

So basically you want to dynamically create new Array elements, every time you click? If that’s the case, you can do this

#pragma strict

var handphone : sony[];
 var n = -1;
 function Start () {
 function Update () 
            handphone = new sony[handphone.Length + 1];
   		handphone[n].clock = (n+1);

just to create new elements on clicks.