basic Saving and Loading

I am in the middle of creating a RPG Game and i am focusing on saving and loading.
What i need is a script that saves my characters exact location or possibly and “Auto-Save” feature. I am hoping to create a save game button for my pause menu.
The reason why i am asking this is because i have searched all over Google and found many results however the results was not what i needed and did not help me at all. I also have no idea where to start for the creating of Saving and Loading feature. I am also wanting a loading button for my main menu so when the user clicks the button it loads their game save.

I am sorry if this is irrating of asking the same question but i didn’t understand the other scripts and tutorials because i got many errors with them.

Thanks in advanced


Extra -
This is my pause menu script (I am in the middle of creating my main menu scene now:

  private var pauseEnabled = false;	
  function Start()
    pauseEnabled = false;
    Time.timeScale = 1;
    AudioListener.volume = 1;
    Screen.showCursor = false;
    function Update()
        //check if pause button (escape key) is pressed
           //check if game is already paused
           if(pauseEnabled == true)
             //unpause the game
             pauseEnabled = false;
             Time.timeScale = 1;
             AudioListener.volume = 1;
             Screen.showCursor = false;
           //else if game isn't paused, then pause it
         else if(pauseEnabled == false)
             pauseEnabled = true;
             AudioListener.volume = 0;
             Time.timeScale = 0;
             Screen.showCursor = true;
    }//end Update function
    function OnGUI()
        if(pauseEnabled == true)
           if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2+25 ,250,50), "Option"))
             Debug.Log("GUI.Button : Options : pressed");
           if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2-25 ,250,50), "Resume"))
             if(pauseEnabled == true)
              //unpause the game
              pauseEnabled = false;
              Time.timeScale = 1;
              Screen.showCursor = false;
              AudioListener.volume = 1;
}//end OnGUI function

Firstly, you need to understand that you are going to have to save the state of everything that is important to you in your game. Hence existence and state of every object in your game. Obviously you will then need to reverse the process.

This can actually be quite onerous and that is why many games have “save zones” which happens between levels or in a sleep/wake up fashion so that you wont need to put everything back in exactly the same state as you found it.

Secondly, if its something like an RPG, I would NOT recommend using PlayerPref class. Thats a really simple way of storing value pairs. Not really suitable if you are trying to save big list of inventory and map information.

Consequently you will need to save things to files. You can use the System.IO calls for this (read up on StreamWriter and File.OpenText).