So i want the variable “myVariable” to randomize a number from 1, through 3 so that the possible numbers are 1, 2, and 3.
BUT i wanna to generate a random number EVERY SECOND…
so whats the SIMPLEST way to do this???
thanks, Gabriel
So i want the variable “myVariable” to randomize a number from 1, through 3 so that the possible numbers are 1, 2, and 3.
BUT i wanna to generate a random number EVERY SECOND…
so whats the SIMPLEST way to do this???
thanks, Gabriel
The simplest way to do this is with InvokeRepeating and a memeber variable integer ‘number’. In JS it goes like this-
var currentValue : int = -1;
var minValue : int = 1;
var maxValue : int = 3;
var randomisationInterval : float = 1;
function Start()
InvokeRepeating("Randomise", 0, randomisationInterval);
function Randomise()
currentValue = Random.Range(minValue, maxValue + 1);
Then, you just access ‘currentValue’.
var lock = false;
var myVariable = 1;
function Update(){
if !(lock)
function RandomizeIt(){
lock = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(1);
myVariable = Random.Range(1,4);
lock = false;