New to unity, and this should be simple problem. Want edit the initial value of a property in a script, but can’t see them in inspector.
Its an existing code base I have updated from old unity from few years ago, entire project builds and runs so no script errors.
Some scripts have public basic type properties (int, strings etc) but none of them are appearing in inspector however game objects appear ok, my understanding is all properties should appear ?
This script screen shot attached is quite complicated but same happens on simple ones, game objects appear but not basic types. Am I missing something fundamental ?
Here is a simpler script from app, image GameObject appears in inspector but not videoFile or imageDuration
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Splash : MonoBehaviour {
public string videoFile;
public GameObject image;
public float imageDuration = 3;
public bool complete {
get { return (_imageTimer >= imageDuration); }
private int _state = 0;
private float _imageTimer = 0;
protected void Start() {
if (image != null) { image.SetActive(false); }