Hi everyone! Currently I am working on basketball shooter game template for Asset Store.
The asset is mobile platform targeted. Currently I wish to show you one of three game modes.
Yes. Second mode is “Time Attack” with following logic.
Timer starts for ex. with 30 sec and countdown during game. Balls will spawn with no delay, one throwed - next spawned. Each goaled ball will add 1 sec to timer, each clear goaled ball will add 3 seconds, each goaled ball that touched floor before will add 10 sec. Aim points num will be fixed. Something like that!
The third mode is “Distance King”.
First ball spawns near the basket and if you goal it next spawn point will move for 1 step (~1-2 meters) far away. So the distance will grow and grow. If you missed you will go back for 3 steps. Aim points num will be also fixed.
Also I’m thinking about free mode “Training” or “Freestyle”.
thanks for this great asset.
I want to change camera view to Perspective but your script Shooter.cs doesn’t works only with Orthographic. I had tried a little, ScreenToWorldPoint returns same values for both camera views. Can you give a hint or guide what is dependent on camera view?
Solved. Removed ScreenToWorldPoint, calculated ThrowForce using mouse positions only for Perspective camera projection.
mouseStartPos = Input.mousePosition;
ThrowForce = GetForceFrom(mouseStartPos,Input.mousePosition);
I have purchased this kit and I’m very impressed by the quality and customization options. I am having one issue with sound when I deploy to windows/PC, none of the sounds play.
I confirm that everything can be heard in the editor, it only goes silent when I try to play a PC build.
Looks like my problem arose from the OnCollision sound calls being organized by tag, instead of name. Very strange bug, but once I changed your code to check the names of collision objects I was able to get the sounds to play on PC builds. I think that I adjusted the timestep to shorter intervals, which may also have contributed to the issue.