Batch-creating materials from selected textures

Hi. I’m trying to make a 3D gallery, however, I do have a bunch of pictures as textures, over 100 in fact, and creating one material after another, including naming the material and assign the correct texture, and this over 100 times is just a chore and time-consuming. It even kinda drives me nuts.

So, is there a script that creates materials for each texture that is selected? Including naming the material after the textures? This would save alot of time and also be such a better solution.

Thanks in advance!

There is no one script, but you can certainly make an editor script for this.

It’s just a case of reading a given number of assets (such as all assets in a folder), looping through them and making a new asset + assign some values for each one, then write those assets to disk.

I’d start with tutorials on making your own editor windows.