Batch mode unit tests getting stuck on M1 Mac

We’re using a very simple command to run basic unit tests through batch mode and the ‘executemethod’ command, and on our M1 build machine it seems to completely get stuck and hang until we manually end it.

Some things to note:

  • This does not happen every time we run a build.
  • This has only happened on an M1 machine and not on our Windows machine.
  • We are currently running the builds on 2020.1.7, but are in the process of upgrading to the latest LTS version.

The last item in the log is:

ConvertV2ToUnity.dll is a library that we’ve written in C++.

It seems that it gets stuck before getting to any of the unit tests.

Any insight into this issue would be appreciated. Let me know if any additional details are needed.

Given that you are in a CI context, I would try passing -disable-assembly-updater on the command line - any API upgrading is presumably something that would happen on your developer workstations, so you can slightly speed up your build machine (and potentially avoid whatever is breaking here) by passing it.

Thank you for the quick reply. I’ve updated our build scripts to include this and will report back if we see the issue again.


Hi! Did it work for you? Any issues?

So far we have not experienced the issue again.

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