Battle Obesity- Defending the world from fatty Food!

I like to intro showcase our finish game set to release sometime this coming march. I personally like to thank Unity3D for creating such an awesome tool and furthermore offer it to us for FREE!! I spent several months learning the tools under the FREE version and when I was completely satisfied I was ready to make my purchase and created our very first game.
I also like to thank the developers who created their tools on the Asset store as well like TK2D! it was such a helpful tool for us. We also purchase other tools like Finger Gesture and EasySave to help support the community. Please enjoy our trailer.

Im trying to embed the video on this thread can anyone give me instruction on how to do so?

Fatty food is good for you. Processed sugars and grains containing lectin are bad for you. Sorry for the side bar.

Ahhh you got me, ok i admit i couldn’t decide who the good guys and the bad guys should be so i just settled with mutated popular food. Man i love me some becon wrap hot dog right about now.

And keeping them seated at a computer in the process :smile:

Ahhaha we gots joke that good. You know what I’m very sadden we didn’t have enough time to include Australia as our Obesity continent to conquer. For the most part our Aussie friends are never up when we are up and we been trying to figure out what are 5 Aussie favorite food :smile:

It’s finally made it to the app store. We were in line for 5 days waiting to be reviewed and 1 day for approval. Unity3D has truly made it this such an easy process for us and we like to say that we are a proud owner of Unity Pro, IOS pro and soon Android Pro! Thank you again Unity3D for offering this awesome tools for us to use for free so we can learn it, master it and when we are ready we made it!

There is one food that most Aussies like, Pavlova. Best dessert ever made in my opinion.

That, and a nice snag.

Pavlova looks freaking delicious! it shall make it to our future updates along with a new Hero Kangaroo!!

Good luck with your project. However if it were me I would’ve done more research about what makes people obese first. Fatty food has nothing to with it. SUGAR is the biggest contributor to putting on weight, in its myriad forms, ranging from good old sugar to fructose to sucralose to dextrose to HFCS to a whole host of other pretending not to be sugar sweeteners which are rampant in a huge amount of foods nowadays. Why? Because the industry wants to sell more food product so they know if they make stuff sweeter people will buy it - extra sugar in meat, bread, cereal, beverages, you name it. Oh well, people. And yes, it has nothing to do with high-fat foods. Fat doesn’t turn get stored as fat. Carbohydrates/sugars do. I tell you this because my wife was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago and we’ve learned a lot about this stuff since then. Sticking to 15-30 carbyhydrates per meal with absolutely NO added sweeteners of any kind in any food, the pounds just MELT off your body, with no exercise needed. Plus eat lots of vegetables and salads. If your game was about the battle against sugar and the way that the food industry is significantly sweetening a huge amount of foods just to sell more, and how that’s turning people to obesity, then I’d sit up and take notice. Having said that, people don’t know what’s good for them either otherwise they wouldn’t buy this stuff in the first place. :wink: