This is not longer offered as the source is incompatible with the latest Photon and Couchbase libs and will throw errors which I do not have the time to give support on.
Who ever buys this setup is going to learn a hell of a lot from the code in terms of the items that surround the game code itself making for a completed game / project (user management, leader boards, matchmaking etc.)
It’s these items that take the longest to get done right
I remember playing this game! I thought it was a bit slow paced but it was very impressive.
Good luck on your sales!
looks great +
The package was declined for sale on the asset store but I will offer it for sale via paypal. Contact me to find out what my paypal info is and how you can get access to the package.
Why in hell would this be declined.
Like I mentioned in the fist post, it has something to do with the 3rd party requirements. EZGUI was fine, but not Couchbase and Photon. I don’t know why it matters, but is not gonna push the issue as it is their store and their rules.
Looks interesting.
Couple of questions:
- What type of documentation is included?
- How is the code quality (since it’s a finished game I assume some hacks are still in place?)
- Network structure? (authoritative server?)
- Anything else I should know?
There is no documentation to explain the overall logic behind everything, I doubt I’d even remember what it all was without reading the code again. I do tend to comment a lot in my code but you will need the ability to read/follow and understand code to learn from this. This is not a framework, it is a full game that you get as is.
There will probably be a few hacks here and there but I tend to just rewrite whole classes if I do make heavy changes/hacks. Also of note, this is actually called Battlemass 2. There was a 1st vesion which used Google App Engine for the networking and a few months later I decided to rewrite it for Photon and used the oppertunity to add single player/AI and hot-seat modes and even rewrite a lot of game rules, so a lot of code was rewritten and much cleaner.
There is one game server (based on Photon Server) that all game clients talks to and this then send the messages on to the clients. Note that this is a turn based game, so the server is much simpler than you would expect from something like an FPS game.
Why are you selling? The profit with the game dont reached the expected?
Just want to know, to understand why sell the entire project instead of continue updating it.
Battlemass have reached its end of life in sales and I have no plans of creating a new or an updated version, so I see no problem in releasing this if it would mean a little more revenue from the title.
I’m interested in buying this source code for the game, I have already contacted you via private message, let me know how do I do so?
I did reply but will resend the PM in case the previous one did not make it for some reason.
could you re-write it for Photon Cloud? Photon Server is sadly only available for windows server.
No, I do not have the time for this and it would mean a lot of technical changes to how things works atm.
The server side needs to save to a database for persitance, something I can’t do with photon cloud. If I used cloud I would not only have to use the photon cloud server but also host a 2nd server to handle the database and then trust the clients to save to that database. It would also be a lot of work to change the client such that it used cloud and I would lose some of the checks that the server side did (the clients do already do a lot of cheat checking so at least that part would be ready for cloud).
Ah ok I understand. I want to purchase. Please send me pm with paypal details.
Okay, I purchased this from Leslie about one week ago. Since then I have been combing through it and the code is very clean. I have yet to find a hack, it is also well commented and easily understood/ highly organized.
You will need to purchase SM2 and EZGUI to get it functioning. I had no experience with Couchbase or PhotonServer, but managed to get it up and functioning in about 4 hours. (Don’t skip over the editing of the photonserver.cfg file, so, so painful… )
Bottom line is this, you get a fully functional networked game for $70, there is soooo much to this code including an ELO system, lobby, ai, it just keeps going.
Well worth it, would purchase again for sure…
I’m interested but not being on the asset store is a problem licensing wise, could you post the license with which you sell it or, if you don’t have a license ready, could you write one that clearly indicates what it is licensed for?
Thanks for the kind word, cinco
ronan.thibaudau, you can do whatever you want with it. If you want to build the game and dump/sell it as is on the net, then you can do that. You have full rights to use the included csource code and art any way you want.
What you can’t do is use the game’s name (I don’t have that trademarked however), and do not resell or distribute the source package. That is just common sense and decency.
The 3rd party tools that this relies on, and the reason it was rejected on the asset store, are EZGUI, SpriteManager2, Photon and Couchbase. They have their own licenses of use and are not included in this package.
Is it licensed per user or per company? Can i share the source with contractors or do they need their own license?