Battling againts Lag

Send Rate : If I set it to 40 will the game’s FPS drop or increase

Number of Objects : My gun shoots 5Bullets/second, and theres is 32 players on the server. And if they all shoot simultaneously, that will 5 * 32 = Thats a lot of bullets just for one second.

What Kind : Which type of gameObject takes up the most game’s performance? Sound, Textures, Animations, Scripts, Collider.

View Distance : To what distance should I set the view distance in my camera? and should i add fog.

Fog : Does fog takes up performance.

Lights : What is the best way to substitute Lights in order to ger more FPS count.

These are all keypoints that could be responsible for the FPS, the game is originally specified for average computers that have 2048MB Ram and 512MB VideoRam. But in every 3rd update my FPS drops 3 Frames and then the 6th update drops another 3 Frames.


What type of lag are you talking about, are you talking about network latency or game lag as in too much pressure on your gpu and cpu, network lag is resolved by a thing called client prediction. The GPU game lag is usually caused by poorly written scripts and not using proper redering techniques that can be achieved with less presure.

I cant tell if its Networking or GPU itself. But I bet its the GPU not the Networking, because if I play game the battery runs out faster than usual. So any suggestions on Improving the performance

Bumping Up…

If we are talking FPS drop this might not be the right forum.

However can you give us some more information of how you “work” with bullets, how you control players and so on…

What BF said, its probably the bullets. If your bullets are actually rigidbodies, yes, instantiating 160 rigidbodies per second is not going to work, let alone synchronizing them across a network. You’ll need to figure out a better solution.

The rigidbodies ahh, my shooting script needs the bullets to contain rigidbody

And for the player i use M2H’s movement update that sends an RPC to everyone telling where the player is.

I think i should post the Multiplayer script and the Shooting script?