This is an editor extension for those that have unity pro and wish to be able to use asset bundles to the fullest. Able to load asset bundles off your own server! Always wanted to make your project file small as possible and be able to not worry about programming anything too complicated?! Well now you can with this amazing asset. I will be writing here future updates and what to expect. If you have any requested features or functions feel free to post here or email me at and I will try to respond to everyone that needs anything. Included is 2 example scenes (1 for NGUI Support) and tutorial videos to explain in depth of how to use it. If you are a programmer you will be able to see how you can quickly modify this simple editor to do much more to suite your needs. As an artist you are able to give the freedom to the creations that you make and let any future support be handled in a timely manner.
Thank you all for your support and I hope that this will be something of use for all of you.
Version Notes:
V1.21 Release build
V1.19b Documented Code better
V1.18b Code Optimizations in bundle management
V1.17b Added AWS Support
V1.16b Added FTP Support
v1.15b Optimized code for mobile devices
v1.14b NGUI Support added
v1.13a Added the ability to create prefabs from an asset bundle.
v1.12a Fixed some small bugs that would cause the editor window to hang
v1.11a Added Tooltips Other optimization to the prefab loader
v1.1a Initial Release
-Added tooltips to various editor items.
-Added an example of creating a prefab from an asset bundle in the Example scene provided.
-Fixed bug with creating asset bundles that required dependant assets. (Please use Enable Build Options “Collect Dependencies” if you recieve any error messages)
-Updated the way the assets are managed in the BBundleManager. (Assets with the same name can be stored, but their type will be added at the end, please use GetAssetOfType if you need to get a specific asset type out of the bundle with the same name)
-Added Prefab Creation extension to the editor window for BBundle Loader.
Added NGUI Support, pushed the update to Asset store ( Version 1.15b ), v1.13a will be the last release for this price! Feel free to snag it while you can!
-Fix to the Bundle manager not queing multiple bundles, now correctly does so.
-Added NGUI Support for Sprites, Labels, and Textures.
-Small fixes to the editor that would cause issues.
-Added an example scene for the NGUI Support (MUST HAVE NGUI 3.5.8 )
-Optimized code to run efficiently as possible on mobile devices.
Thank you so much for those who have already purchased it. If you have any comments, please post here or email me. Otherwise if you can leave a rating on the asset store page that would be great too.
Built in support for platform → automatically build same asset bundle for different target platform, naming it so BBundleLoader downloads the right one.
I just uploaded a huge update to Asset Store for FTP Upload and Amazon S3 Support, so I would say Absolutely I can support AudioClips and Multiplatform in the next update. I’m always open to what people would like to have in this.
You have changed LoadBundle, and there is no example how to use it.
What do I need to do to change the old way:
BBundleManager.Instance.LoadBundle(this.gameObject, “SoundLoaded”, AssetUrl, 1);
Do you think you can make it a bit more easy?
I like the addition of progress and event callback (I had added it in old version but it is better to have it maintained )
Another request:
Is it possible to target several platform at the same time? Just add different suffix to filename for each bundle. It takes a lot of time to build, so it would be useful if it could keep going with next target platform without user interaction.
BBundle manager is meant to handle bundles and downloading, if you want to change how that is done on the loader side, you can take a look at the NGUI atlas script included to give you a better idea of how to do so. I derive from the BBundleLoader class so that I pass in the different variables as such.
Basically I don’t want people creating game objects just to load the bundles as that is not memory efficient of just having the object exist and manipulate the way it is used.
Keep in mind you are able to notify other objects after a bundle has been downloaded successfully.
Let me know if you need any more help and will also like to point out that I do plan to do that in the coming updates for multiple bundles being handled as well as updating all of them if necessary. (Assuming they need to be updated, otherwise it will ignore it). I’ll have a roadmap later next week to show what my planned features are.
Hi Cranick.
I’m using plugin BBundle.Now, I want to load all asset( texture, sprite, audio…) where first sences, I’m confused about it.
Do you have any Ideal ??
It should store the data in the asset bundle of what the prefab is, as for dynamic scripts in the asset bundle I don’t believe that will work as it needs to be compiled in the game. Instead I think it will just use whatever script it can find that matches the script from the asset bundle. Usually you want to use the asset bundles to load the art or text from it so that you can use that information for making your game more immersive.
As for the audio sources, I thought I had that in the latest update, if not it must have been on my update for being usable in Unity 5. I will be submitting an update for Unity 5 and the latest for Unity 4 for people that have not switched to Unity 5. I am no longer supporting NGUI in the future releases so for those that are using it will most likely note that I am moving onto the new Unity UI. About 85% done with this release for both versions, just have been caught up with work and other planned events in my life this has been delayed for so long. (sorry about that)
As in you want to load everything from the asset bundle that you created? If so I don’t think I have a particular function that is public in where you can just grab all that information easier then what it is. I can definitely add something like that in the future updates for sure.
As for now you can simple make a text file in the asset bundle that contains a list of all the types of elements in that asset bundle as well as their names. In which case you can dynamically load all the assets that way. (This is what I will probably make a function of and put in the future releases as I can see this would probably help others).
Let me know if you have any questions and hopefully this answered yours. Thanks for supporting me!