BCE0019 Error : is not a member of 'UnityEngine.Animation'.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Updated from Unity 4 to 5…

Assets/Scripts/Kill_Reset_Particles.js(26,81): BCE0019: ‘normalizedTime’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Animation’.

for the following code:

private var myWidth : float = 0.0;

private var startPos : float = 510.0;
private var endPos : float = 200.0;
private var iconWidthOffset : float = 15;

var mainColor : Color = Color(1,1,0);

function Start ()
mainColor = GetComponent(ParticleRenderer).material.GetColor(“_TintColor”);

function Update ()
var blackColor : Color = Color (0,0,0);

if (GameObject.Find(“Avatar1”))
if (Global_Variables.animationClipName != “none”)
//myWidth = GameObject.Find(“Avatar1”).animation[Global_Variables.animationClipName].normalizedTime;
myWidth = GameObject.Find(“Avatar1”).GetComponent.().normalizedTime;
if (myWidth > .02 && myWidth < .999)
GetComponent(ParticleRenderer).material.SetColor(“_TintColor”, mainColor);

Thanks in advance!
Oliver :slight_smile:

It is indeed not a member of animation, it’s a member of animator