BCE0023: No appropriate version of 'UnityEngine.GUI.Button' for the argument list '(UnityEngine.Rect, int)' was found.

I am trying to switch camera when a button is pressed
Here is my code

var Main_Camera : Camera; 
var Main_Camera_2 : Camera; 
var Main_Camera_3 : Camera; 
var Main_Camera_4 : Camera; 
var Main_Camera_5 : Camera; 

public var CameraView = 1; 
public var Speed = 0;
var updateInterval = 1.0;
private var accum = 0.0; // FPS accumulated over the interval
private var frames = 0; // Frames drawn over the interval
private var timeleft : float; // Left time for current interval
private var fps = 15.0; // Current FPS
private var lastSample : double;
private var gotIntervals = 0;

function Start()
function Update()
Speed = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 2.237;

function OnGUI()
	GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width-160, 10, 150, 27), "Speed : " + Speed + ": MPH");
		if (GUI.Button(Rect(20,35,50,30), CameraView))	
    if(CameraView < 5) CameraView++;
    else CameraView = 1;
if( CameraView == 1){
	Main_Camera.enabled = true;
    Main_Camera_2.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_3.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_4.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_5.enabled = false;
else if ( CameraView == 2) {
    Main_Camera.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_2.enabled = true;
    Main_Camera_3.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_4.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_5.enabled = false;
else if ( CameraView == 3){
    Main_Camera.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_2.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_3.enabled = true;
    Main_Camera_4.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_5.enabled = false;
else if ( CameraView == 4){
    Main_Camera.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_2.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_3.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_4.enabled = true;
    Main_Camera_5.enabled = false;
else if ( CameraView == 5){
    Main_Camera.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_2.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_3.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_4.enabled = false;
    Main_Camera_5.enabled = true;

(dont mind some of the variables theyre there for something else)

I have attached the cameras and everything and it should working but when I try to get the button to display Camera View variable I get
“BCE0023: No appropriate version of ‘UnityEngine.GUI.Button’ for the argument list ‘(UnityEngine.Rect, int)’ was found.”

Its probably something simple but if anyone knows what the problem is please answer
Thank you

The error message is telling you that there is no version of Button that takes a Rect and an int. See the link for a list of allowed arguments.