BCE0044: expecting :, found '='

//we’re hit! Spin our character around
transform.Rotate(0,tumbleSpeed * Time.deltaTime,0, Space.World);
tumbleSpeed = tumbleSpeed-decreaseTime;
decreaseTime += decayTime;

function (hit : ControllerColliderHit) //onTriggerEnter : collider 
		if(hit.gameObject.tag == "fallout");
				dead = true; //the error is on this line, please help!
				//subtract life here
				HealthControl.LIVES -= 1;
		if(hit.gameObject.tag == "enemyProjectile")
				gotHit = true;

You have a semi-colon at the end of your if() statement. Also, your function appears to not have a name. Was that intentional? Also, also, the way the code is formatted suggests you might be missing a close bracket for the code before your function.

Have you made sure that you can’t find any errors, just make sure that you check it over and over, even the simple things!!!

Hope this helps
