I am making a FPS game and I am OK at scripting. I am getting that error twice, one at line 46, and one at 55. What I am trying to do is to make it so my animations play as fast as I am running so my gun is not slow but I am running really fast. Here is my script.
var PlayerState : float;
var PlayerAnimSec : GameObject;
var PlayerMotor : CharacterMotor;
var WalkingSpeed : float = 6;
var SprintingSpeed : float = 8;
var PlayerBossControll : CharacterController;
var CharacterMag;
function Update ()
CharacterMag = PlayerBossControll.velocity.magnitude;
function PlayerStateController()
if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") !=0 || Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") !=0)
if(Input.GetKey("left shift"))
PlayerState = 2;
PlayerState = 1;
PlayerState = 0;
function PlayerAnims()
if(PlayerState == 0)
PlayerAnimSec.animation.CrossFade("Idle Animation", 0.4);
else if(PlayerState == 1)
PlayerAnimSec.animation("Walk Animation").speed = CharacterMag / WalkingSpeed;
PlayerAnimSec.animation.CrossFade("Walk Animation", 0.4);
PlayerMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = WalkingSpeed;
PlayerMotor.movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = WalkingSpeed / 2;
PlayerMotor.movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = WalkingSpeed;
else if(PlayerState == 2)
PlayerAnimSec.animation("Sprint Animation").speed = CharacterMag / SprintingSpeed;
PlayerAnimSec.animation.CrossFade("Sprint Animation", 0.4);
PlayerMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = SprintingSpeed;
PlayerMotor.movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = SprintingSpeed / 2;
PlayerMotor.movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = SprintingSpeed;
Please help. I can’t find the answer anywhere…