I have five cube placed in a circular shape i want a beam of light pass from one cube to another automatically to form a circular shape as i am new to unity i do not have idea to do it can any body please help me
You can probably achieve the light beam with the line renderer.
If your cubes are perfectly aligned on a circle, then you can use Mathf.Sin and Mathf.Cos to position the vertices.
Ok, here’s some script to put in a cube, targetCube being the cube you shoot a line to
var targetCube : Transform; //drag your targetcube here
private var vertex0position : Vector3;
private var vertex1position : Vector3;
private var counter : int;
function Start() {
var lineRenderer : LineRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(LineRenderer);
lineRenderer.material = new Material (Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
vertex0position = transform.position; // both vertices start out together, at the cube's transform
vertex1position = transform.position;
function FixedUpdate() {
var lineRenderer : LineRenderer = GetComponent(LineRenderer); //need to update the component for movement
vertex1position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,targetCube.position,Time.deltaTime) //lerping vertex 1 first
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, vertex1position); // assigning the lerped position to the corresponding vertex
if(counter>100) //play with this value, will determine when vertex 0 starts following, to get a shooting effect and not a line
vertex0position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,targetCube.position,Time.deltaTime) //lerping vertex 0
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, vertex0position); // assigning the lerped position
Sorry for formatting, in a rush. Code ripped from the docs and adapted for the shooting effect. Needs to be properly implemented in a function, and then just script a relay from cube to cube.
Not the most elegant, but it’s a concrete scripting example of lineRenderer at least!