After experimenting with a lot of prototypes I decided to focus on this project: Beastmancer. In this game you are an adventurer in a fantasy world but instead of fighting directly, you capture monsters and make them fight for you in tactical turn based battles:
You can read more information about the game in this article: Announcing Beastmancer! news - IndieDB
You can also follow it in Twitter: x.com
Its a long road but I feel more confident after finishing Nomad Fleet.
Made a new article with my current progress in IndieDB in case someone wants to check it out:
Interesting creatures, here and on your indiedb page.
They have a resemblance to darksiders characters. Nice work.
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July 19, 2016, 10:44pm
your game looks neat and promising
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Very cool concept. Always nice to see something different from the norm! Looks great.
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Thanks for your comments. At the moment I’m busy fixing bugs but hopefully I’ll have another article soon with more progress.
Made a new progress report: Beastmancer: Progress Report # 3 news - IndieDB
This time I had some progress regarding AI, in this video you can see the AI units (on the right) executing basic commands:
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hey op, its looking great, are u making ur models and texturing them all by yourself? if so, is there a plece where i can look at all of them? they are looking fantastic!
Nope, they’re store assets. My talent is programming not art.
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The animations and art look quite well put together, something that can be hard as a programmer. Still great job overall, it looks really cool, would love to see more!
September 4, 2016, 7:32pm
Posted a new progress report in IndieDB: Beastmancer: Progress Report # 5 news - IndieDB
This time I managed to make things like interacting with NPCs, loot and other features (and some new monsters of course):
This is looking more and more interesting all of the time!
September 7, 2016, 6:23pm
I’m almost done with the core features so soon I’ll start creating actual content (scenes and dialogues). I’m also wondering if I should give priority to a playable prototype to upload in IndieDB or start creating marketing material for Greenlight.
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September 12, 2016, 11:28pm
Now I’m testing the transition between dialogue and combat with a NPC:
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September 22, 2016, 9:02pm
Made a new article in IndieDB: Beastmancer: Progress Report # 6 news - IndieDB
I’m currently trying to finish my first deadline: get the core features ready during this month. After that I’ll start preparing for Greenlight.
I think respecting your deadlines when you are independent is very important. If you don’t respect them you are basically trying to fool yourself IMO.
Finished my deadline but I was off by two days, still you can check this article to see what I did last month: Beastmancer: Progress Report # 7 news - IndieDB
My plan for this month is to prepare for Greenlight, that means creating enough content for a gameplay video and a trailer.
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October 20, 2016, 7:07am
New article: Beastmancer: Progress Report # 8 news - IndieDB
Created a few new scenarios but there’s still a lot to do before I can make a Greenlight trailer.
I also hired a freelancer to make a few avatars. Here’s the male version of the main character:
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October 31, 2016, 5:28am
Made a 1st draft for my future Greenlight trailer so please check it and let me know if you find anything wrong with it: