Been stuck on this problem for a day now.

Everthing I try doesn’t seem to work and when I did get it to work once the mesh was bugged.

I tried:
Fixing rotation.
Changing Rig type.
Changing Exported Fire type
Redoing the animations.
Checking animation files in unity (can’t make changes anyway)
Even trying to change changing the avatars
All of them end up in this stupid pose and I’m starting to question if blender works with unity.
It’s even gotten to the point where I have to restart unity to get the base animaion file to work right just for it to lock up anyway.

What is going on I’m desprate now.

Your hierarchy shows that you seem to have unpacked the model prefab.

Any changes you make to the prefab won’t apply to the model in your scene in this case. Right now it seems to be stuck in the humanoid avatar default pose.

Delete the scene instance, set up your prefab as desired, drag it back in. Mind you, if you don’t unpack it, any changes to the prefab will reflect on any scene instances.

8478662--1127069--image_2022-09-30_002141588.png 8478662--1127069--image_2022-09-30_002141588.png [quote=“spiney199, post:2, topic: 895799, username:spiney199”]
Your hierarchy shows that you seem to have unpacked the model prefab.

Any changes you make to the prefab won’t apply to the model in your scene in this case. Right now it seems to be stuck in the humanoid avatar default pose.

Delete the scene instance, set up your prefab as desired, drag it back in. Mind you, if you don’t unpack it, any changes to the prefab will reflect on any scene instances.
ended up finding out that the animations I used (also taken from a verson of the same model shown in the screen shot) was a missmatch in the rig, So now it animates but the bones and fingers do not match what I am aimming for.

bones bend the wrong way or turn where they aren’t ment too and the fingers fuse into one when I enforce t-pose going from five fingers down to 3 but when animanted they come back as if the model is forceing it’s hands as if it’s trying to grip a birck oddly

when working with fbx imported skeletons you need to make sure that the bones have correct and consistent axis because else you will get issues like this. blender is one of those apps that is quite annoying to make work correctly because if you are not careful, when importing to blender it will mess all bones orientation. If the bone orientation doesn’t match the animation file orientation then you will get this type of crazy behaivour.

let unity aside for now and spend some time learning blender and how to import and export the bones orientation correctly. Then you can get back to unity and theoretically should work fine.

I may be mistaken but you could also just drag the fbx inside the scene and then double click on animation file and you should be able to edit the animation keyframes. i don’t recall precisely right now how you need to open the animation file for editing but I was able to do this. maybe you can hack this directly in unity

Do you have any links that can point me in the right direction?

This guy has a bunch of great Blender → Unity videos:

There’s more than the above… all of his videos are really quite well done and easy to follow