Been working on a dungeon generator...+

As a quick little project, I created a little dungeon generator! It works like a charm, and I’ll probably use it in future projects.

Here’s the code-- feel free to use it or give any feedback :slight_smile:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class DungeonGenerationManager : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject room_prefab;
    public int roomSize;

    public int maxRooms;
    public int maxDirectionRepeat = 1;

    public int roomNumber;
    bool deadEnd = false;

    List<Vector3Int> occupiedCoordinates;
    List<GameObject> spawnedRooms;

    private static readonly List<Vector3Int> roomDirections = new List<Vector3Int>()
        // Vector3Int.down

    private void Start()

    void InitialIteration() //Create rooms
        occupiedCoordinates = new List<Vector3Int>();
        spawnedRooms = new List<GameObject>();

        Vector3Int currentPosition =;

        while(roomNumber < maxRooms)
            deadEnd = false;

            List<Vector3Int> possibleSpawnDirections = new List<Vector3Int>();

            for(int i = 0; i < roomDirections.Count; i++)
                Vector3Int possibleDirection = roomDirections[i];
                if(!occupiedCoordinates.Contains(currentPosition + possibleDirection * roomSize))

            if(possibleSpawnDirections.Count > 0 && !deadEnd)
                Vector3Int chosenDirection = possibleSpawnDirections[Random.Range(0, possibleSpawnDirections.Count)];

                int repeatTime = Random.Range(1, maxDirectionRepeat);
                for(int j = 0; j < repeatTime; j++) //keep generating in this direction k times
                    Vector3Int possiblePosition = currentPosition + (chosenDirection * roomSize);

                    if(roomNumber < maxRooms) //the for-loop has to finish even if the conditions of the while-loop are met. If roomNumber is greater than maxRooms, but the for-loop isn't done,
                                              //then more rooms will be spanwed regardless that we are above are room limit. This is why this if statement is here. Everything in the for-loop will only be run if the conditions are met. 
                        if (!occupiedCoordinates.Contains(possiblePosition))
                            currentPosition = currentPosition + (chosenDirection * roomSize);


                            GameObject instantiatedRoom = Instantiate(room_prefab, currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                   = "Room_" + roomNumber;


                            print("no more available spots!");
                            currentPosition = occupiedCoordinates[Random.Range(0, occupiedCoordinates.Count)];
                            deadEnd = true;
            else //if there are no more available positions left, choose a random occupied position and branch from there!
                print("no more available spots!");
                currentPosition = occupiedCoordinates[Random.Range(0, occupiedCoordinates.Count)];


    //make the room object have child 0 be the north wall, child 1 be the south wall, child 2 be the east wall, and child 3 be the west wall, to match the indices of the room directions list (i.e Vector3Int.forward is list item 0, and the north wall is child 0)

    void SecondIteration()
        foreach(GameObject room in spawnedRooms)
            Vector3Int roomPos = new Vector3Int((int)room.transform.position.x, (int)room.transform.position.y, (int)room.transform.position.z);

            for (int i = 0; i < roomDirections.Count; i++)
                Vector3Int possibleDirection = roomDirections[i];
                if (occupiedCoordinates.Contains(roomPos + possibleDirection * roomSize))
                    room.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.SetActive(false); //remember the floor is the first child