Beer Pong HD for Android!

Hey all,

Codeglue has just released the free Android game β€œBeer Pong HD” made with Unity 3D :slight_smile:
Please give it a try and let us know how we can improve it further!

Full set of features:
– It’s free!
– Great realistic 3D visuals!
– Realistic physics
– Official rules as used in the World Series of Beer Pong
– Easy to pick up throwing mechanism similar to Angry Birds
– 8 different tables (mail us if you have more suggestions!)
– Drunken camera
– 3 difficulty levels
– 3 cup-setups
– Play with your friends in a hot seat multiplayer game
– Prepare yourself for a barrage of trash talk by both male and female A.I. Players!
– Online leaderboards through OpenFeint, for the best social gaming experience on Android.

A YouTube video can be found here:

congratulations on your release!

Looks like fun, good luck!