Before i buy, i have Questions (oh my!)

Hi Unity Forum Dudes :stuck_out_tongue:

So, i got a few question now 2.5 is out and me and my team actually can use Unity3D for making games.

There’s quite a few Q’s, so excuse me already, and expect spelling mistakes along the way aswell. :slight_smile:

Well, better get started.

  1. Is it possible to load/unload scenes while unity is running (eg changing “maps” from outdoors to dungeon and so forth).

  2. If above is possible, is it possible to show loading screen while happening.

  3. Is it possible by script/network code to create objects, move objects while game is running (eg loading a new character in 3d game by login).

  4. Is it possible to update assets in a pack/adding new packs once released ?.

  5. Is it possible to create “blocked” borders, where you cannot cross (like invisible wall) ?.

  6. Is it possible to create “Zones”, eg town zone, and so forth.

  7. If i created 1 terrain, and add another terrain part, is it possible/will the terrain borders be “stiched” together so there isnt seems over the borders ?.

Those where all i had at the moment, these are all quite important things to me, i did play around with demo (had ALOT more questions but the demo answered a few), but i dont really wish to use a month figuring everything out and then not be able to use it anyways.

Thanks for all the time you guys take to answer this post.


Yes, yes, yes, yes (can be a bit tricky though), yes, yes, yes (as long as you make the terrains seamless yourself or write a script that handles it for you).


Thanks Eric, and i forgot a few questions.

  1. Can you release using another Icon (using our own game exe icon), what i mean is, is it possible to replace the unity3d icon in the exe.

  2. Can you create a “isometric” look like eg Diablo 3 like camera look

  3. Can you change the launcher (where you choose resolution and fullscreen) to something else or remove it totally (to make eg ingame menu for that) ?

Thats it i think… :slight_smile:

Btw:if i have to make the terrains seemless myself (stiching) the answer is no, not yes :roll:

It would have been sweet (future release idea maybe?) if when you had 1 terrain “part” in the map, and you clicked to create another one, it would highlight edge of terrains your mouse over and you could choose where to drop it in and it would actually “stich” those borders together to create a seemless large terrain, and it would make it easier to edit the terrain after :slight_smile:

Just a though.

Yes, yes, and yes.

You asked if it was possible, the answer is yes. :slight_smile:

As I said, you can script that. Terrain.GetHeights + Terrain.SetHeights + some coding…


Dang, forgot to ask about protecting assets (like password and or encrypting the file). :stuck_out_tongue:

Beside that…

My team will download the demo and talk back to me, but i dont see a issue with that as they are only concerned about asset importing and such, no biggie :slight_smile:

If all goes well, and i think it does, ill probably be getting a license shortly :slight_smile:

Anyways, thanks again Eric for the fast answers.

Where can we find examples for these two?

  1. That requires external application. My personal favorite is Resource Hacker to replace icons.

  2. Totally disable is handled through the Player settings in unity. In that case you can / need to handle all the settings from within your game.

It’s also not that hard to change the launcher itself, to some extent. At least on OS X, no clue on the Windows version (you can’t do it from within Unity).


Thanks Dreamora

AruZul: Encrypting assets is not directly supported. All data is stored in a data file, but if you really want to, you can get at it. Just like all other games.

Yeah, its fine, thanks :slight_smile:

Im just gonna MD5 check assets to check if anything was changed. :slight_smile: