Begginer here

Hello everyone!I just installed unity (the free version-it is good for now).I am not the biggest expert on pc programming (i just bought a gaming,high end pc,i was a concole player up until now) and i was wondering,what does c plus plus or c# have to do with unity?Is unity a language or an engine which runs on another language?What is c plus plus? I have some experience with photoshop,after effects,fruity loops,sonar,power director (i recently installed them so i am still getting the hand of them).So,my question is:What do i need to know to start messing with unity?Thank you for your time!

C#, A.K.A C-Sharp, is a programming language in which Unity was made, and you can use it to program. Unity3D is a game engine, designed on making games. C++ is a programming language, this has nothing to do with Unity, cause you can’t use it, this is for making custom software. I am currently a beginner, though I learned most of this stuff. Unity3D runs with Boo,C#,and UnityScript, a form of JavaScript. If you are going to make games, I recommend learning UnityScript, its more meant for Unity. Also to start messing with unity, you need a mouse,a keyboard, and a bit of time, to start making things, I would recommend getting a 3D modeling software,such as Blender, which is free, or a higher end program, like Maya or 3Dsmax, a SFX program for textures…Thats pretty much it! I hope this helped.